The Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) is a document that allows the identification of all Mexicans and foreigners residing in Mexico through an 18-character code that combines letters and numbers.

First, the CURP allows validating the personal data of any person in México with this document, including full name, sex, date, and place of birth. Likewise, with this document, we can corroborate if a citizen is alive or if they have passed away.
Thus, checking the CURP to validate identity is essential because this document proves that a person is real and alive.
If we did not find a person's CURP in the official data records, it would not be possible to establish the integrity of their identity.
On the other hand, verifying the CURP allows access to multiple sources of information, such as the Mexican Social Security Institute. This entity provides indispensable data to perform effective identity validation and avoid fraud in all companies' commercial and operational processes.
For example, from the CURP, it is possible to access the work history of a candidate for a selection process or a client who applies for a loan. Thus, we can know the number of days they have worked, the companies in which they have worked, their salaries, their salary progression, the percentage of labor stability, the estimated payment capacity, and if they have active credits before the Infonavit.
How is a person's CURP created?
Specifically, the unique code contained in the CURP has 18 alphanumeric elements, which create a unitary code to recognize each Mexican and resident of the country.
In its creation, the first 16 elements have the same logic for all persons. The 17th element is a character assigned by the National Population Registry (RENAPO) to avoid homonyms and differentiate the century of birth. The last one is a verification digit dictated by the Ministry of the Interior.
RENAPO is the administrative unit in charge of assigning the CURP. Its main objective is to accredit and provide identity to every person living in the country and to Mexicans living abroad to guarantee the exercise of their rights.
In detail, this is how the CURP is composed
First initial letter of the first surname.
The first internal vowel of the first surname.
Initial letter of the second last name.
The first letter of the first name. In compound names beginning with Mary or Joseph, the first letter of the middle name is selected.
Penultimate digit of the year of birth.
The last number of the year of birth.
The first digit of the month of birth. In months before October, a zero is assigned as the first digit.
The second digit of the month of birth.
The first digit of the day of birth. Zero is assigned as the first digit on days before the 10th of each month.
The second digit of the day of birth.
Sex. Males are assigned the letter H and females are given the letter M.
The first number of coding is assigned to the place of birth according to the State.
The second number of coding is assigned to the place of birth according to the State.
The first internal consonant of the first surname.
The first internal consonant of the second last name.
The first internal consonant of the first name.
A number between 0 and 9 for dates of birth up to December 31, 1999. For later dates, a letter between A and J is assigned.
A number between 0 and 9.
As an example, if we had Daniel Moreno Montoya, born in Nuevo León on June 20, 1994, his CURP would be the following:
Daniel Moreno Montoya:
Nuevo León.
June 20, 1994.
CURP: MOMD 940620 H NL RNN [0-9] [0-9].

What information does the CURP contain?
In addition to the unique code, in the CURP of every Mexican citizen, it is possible to find the following data.
Full name: first and last names.
Date of registration: day, month, and year in which the CURP was registered.
Folio: indicates the folio number in which the CURP registration is registered.
Registration entity: corresponds to the state where the birth certificate was made.
Barcode: contains the birth certificate number, representing the valid proof of identity document for the CURP.
QR Code: with the person's biographical information.
Likewise, the unique code contains each person's sex, date, and state of birth.

Where can I validate a person's CURP?
With Nufi, you can do it. In addition, with our platform, you have access to a complete identity validation tool with the most significant amount of information in Mexico.
This way, you can know in-depth prospects, customers, candidates, collaborators, suppliers, and potential partners with whom you will have a relationship in your business processes to make the right decisions based on trust.
In Nufi, we have a team ready to solve any doubt regarding identity validation, so you can know in depth our scope and how our solution helps you make more agile and secure decisions, minimizing the risks of your operation.
Click here and schedule a meeting to learn more.